Circle of Honors this week!

Circle of Honors is a tradition that we, the honors societies of UW, hope to initiate as a celebration of the most positive elements of the student experience. Over the course of Week 1 of Spring ’15, we will host a variety of events and activities for the UW general student population and for the members of our honor societies. I am sure you are aware that the honors societies of UW represent a group of ambitious, academically competent, service-minded individuals. We want your help to promote our values throughout UW in hopes of enhancing campus culture for students and faculty alike.

Check out the Facebook page!

Monday is the Honors Tabling & Showcasing Event in HUB. It will be on the first floor of the HUB (HUB Street) 10 AM-1:00 PM. The honors showcase is when all the honor societies will be presenting about the work they do for the community and demonstrate what it really means to be part of an honor society.

Tuesday is the Faculty Reception in the Walker-Ames Room (Kane Hall 2nd floor). It will be from 7:30-9:00 PM. We are going to have several faculty speakers, talking about leadership and service, and how they tie into being part of an honor society. Please RSVP for the faculty reception.

Wednesday is the Community Service Fair. It will be held in the HUB Lawn from 10 AM-1 PM. Various organizations seeking volunteers will be set up at tables, informing students of volunteer opportunities in the Seattle area. This event also functions as a community service event. There will also be games and Krispy Kreme. Money raised is going to be donated to SARVA.

Thursday is a HUB Social in the HUB Games Area 5-7 PM. This is just a fun social event to get to know other honor society members and strengthen our community.

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