Child Oral Health Relief Education (CORE) accepting officer applications


Child Oral Health Relief Education (C.O.R.E.) is a UW RSO dedicated to connecting a diverse group of students interested in the field of dentistry in an effort to provide oral health education to the public. We also supply oral hygiene necessities to underserved communities and participate in several outreach and volunteer events throughout the year.

UW C.O.R.E. is currently accepting applications for 2015-2016 officer positions. We are seeking responsible and motivated individuals who are interested in providing oral health education to the community. If you are interested in becoming more involved in serving Seattle and would like the opportunity to gain leadership experience, we highly encourage you to join an amazing team of students who share your passion for dentistry.

Applicants should provide a letter of intent stating why they are interested in becoming a C.O.R.E. officer, what they envision for the club next year, and what they hope to gain from this experience. Please list your top three choices and explain why you think you would be a good candidate for each of these positions.

Open officer positions:

President: Leads club meetings, oversees club events, and ensures the organization runs smoothly.

Vice President: Supports and assists the president in running C.O.R.E.

Activities Coordinator: Contacts and organizes outreach and volunteer opportunities.

Secretary: Records meeting minutes and updates members of upcoming events.

Public Relations: Facilitates communication between C.O.R.E. members and officers.

Treasurer: Manages club funds and organizes fundraising opportunities.

Webmaster: Manages club website and social media outlets.

We welcome all applicants, but dedicated students who have consistently been engaged in C.O.R.E. events throughout the year will be highly regarded during the application process.

Please send your letter of intent to Applications will accepted until Thursday, April 30th at 11:59pm.

For more information visit:

Feel free to contact UW C.O.R.E. with any questions or concerns at


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