UW Lung Health accepting officer applications

lung health

UW Lung Health works with the American Lung Association and UW Hall Health to support research, education, and advocacy effort related to lung health and clean air.

Apply to be an officer for 2015-2016!

Officers/members benefits:

  • Leadership Awards from the American Lung Association (ALA)
  • Personalized letter of recommendation from staff and CEO of the ALA o Potential internship opportunities in the ALA
  • Get to start the first campus chapter of the ALA, if join now (awesome resume builder)
  • Volunteer and organize for Fight for Air Climb, Lung Force Expo, Lung force Walk
  • Support a meaningful cause. Lung Cancer is the number 1 cancer killer in the U.S.

If interested, please join us at our meeting!

  • Meetings: Wednesday 7pm in Savery 167 on April 29th, May 13th, May 27th
  • Email: uwlunghealth@gmail.com to join our mailing list
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