Fall quarter course: Sexually Transmitted Infections: Causes and Consequences

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New course for fall 2015…

EPI 220: Sexually Transmitted Infections: Causes and Consequences

EPI 220 – Flyer

This introductory-level course is designed for undergraduate students at all levels and is intended to complement other courses in epidemiology and infectious diseases in the School of Public Health. The course will examine the causes and consequences of sexually transmitted infections (STI) as well as strategies to prevent STI with a focus on sexual and reproductive health. New advances in STI epidemiology, treatment, and public health control will also be explored.  Sexual health is a critical component of overall physical and mental health. The concepts taught in this course will provide an introduction to infectious disease epidemiology through the lens of sexually transmitted pathogens; the background to provide accurate information for informed personal health decision making; and lay the foundation for those interested in pursuing careers in reproductive health, epidemiology, microbiology, medicine, or public health.

There are no course pre-requisites for EPI 220; all majors are encouraged to enroll.  Areas of Knowledge: I&S, NW, & QSR.

SLN: 21907; 5 credits; Meets: T/Th 3:00–4:20 p.m. in HSB T-625; F 11:30–12:20 p.m. in HSB T-625; Instructor: Lisa Manhart

http://depts.washington.edu/epidem/courses/CourseDescription220.shtml; Questions:  epiadvis@uw.edu

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