New MS/MD degree program in Integrative Medicine



MUM ( would like to announce a collaboration with St. Martinus University of Medicine SMU), located on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao. Our new MS/MD degree program will begin September, 2015, offering a dual degree track in integrative medicine: a MD in modern medicine, and an MS in Maharishi AyurVedaSM and Integrative Medicine.

This unique MS/MD program is leading-edge medicine for a new breed of physician, one who can treat imbalance before it crops up as disease. This program is the only one of its kind, filling a critical need for new ways to treat and solve medical issues. Expertise in modern technology rounds out this complete, scientific system of healthcare for our graduates. They will be proficient in working with nature’s intelligence to prevent disease and create balance, but also knowledgeable about the best in medical technology.


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