C ENV 110 Introduction to Food and the Environment – 5 credits

Everybody Eats!

C ENV 110  Introduction to Food and the Environment – 5 credits

I&S/NW; SLN# 11831 (plus lab section); No prerequisites.

Great for Freshmen!

Everyone eats, and all food production has environmental consequences.
· Discover environmental science through food production.
· Explore the link between the decline of civilizations and current farmer efforts to cope with changing water supply, topsoil loss, and technology.
· Create a food diary and find out the environmental consequences of your diet.
· Understand what climate change, politics, culture, biodiversity, and geography have to do with food.

See: http://depts.washington.edu/coenv/food/study/courses#cenv
Also offered as part of a FIG (sections AB & AF)

College of the Environment

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