Local Research/Volunteer Opportunity for Pre-Meds

Pre-Health Advising received the following email from a UW physician looking for pre-med undergraduate volunteers:


I am a resident physician at UWMC, and I am setting up a study in medical education that will begin in July 2015 and continue throughout the academic year. The study requires 1-4 male volunteers to act as a standardized patient periodically through time. This would be a very good opportunity for pre-med undergraduate students. The experience would involve a lot of hand-on learning in cardiac anatomy and ultrasound and would be an excellent addition to a med school resume. There are also potentially a number of small research projects that could be designed and implemented by a motivated undergraduate if desired. I would like to reach out to the pre-med students with this opportunity.

Thank you,

Shannon McConnaughey, Resident Physician, Internal Medicine at University of Washington Medical Center


If you’re interested, please contact Dr. McConnaughey at mcshan@u.washington.edu.

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