Interview practice for medical, dental, pharmacy, or other health professional school

UAA Pre-health advising presents: Interview Panel and Workshopundergraduate advising

Want to stand out in your interview for medical, dental, pharmacy, or other health professional school?

Join admissions deans and directors from the UW Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, as well as current health professional students, for a panel discussion. Afterward, advisers and health professional students will lead small-group mock interviews for seniors and alumni.

Thursday, October 8th, beginning at 5:30 pm

The panel discussion is open to all. Registration is required for the mock interviews, which are currently reserved for seniors and alumni. If space is available, others will be invited to join. Both events are free.

Panel presentation at 5:30 pm in Mary Gates Hall, Room 389

Mock interviews at 6:45 pm in Mary Gates Hall, Room 134 (Registration required for interviews:

For more information, contact

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