Get Involved in the Community!

We have exciting events coming up in our own Seattle community. Check out what we have planned for this month and email us back if you are interested:

May 24, 4:30pm-7pm: North End Community Health Fair – Sign up for a shift to volunteer in the children’s area and other booths for this event that prov! ides underserved individuals basic health care service and information. Community partners involved in this event include: Seattle Cancer Care Alliance; Pacific Medical Clinic, Northgate; and Seattle-King County Public Health. The address is: 3200 NE 125th St. Suite 2, Seattle WA, 98125 and there is an expected 200-300 people attending this event so we could really use your help! doodle link:

May 25, 2:00-3:30pm: Nutrition with View Ridge Elementary – Help us make smoothies and play health related games with Ms. Kell’s 2nd grade Special Education Class. She would like to know how many students to expect so if you are interested please reply by this Friday.

*We also have 2 officer positions as Activity Cooridinators next year! If you are interested please send us you name and phone number and we can set-up a casual interview with you.

Have a great rest of the quarter! Hand2Hand Officers

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Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center Condon Hall Room 711E Seattle, WA 98105

Meetings every Thursday from 6:00pm-7:00pm in Condon Hall Room 711E. Click here for a map:

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