Master of Prosthetics & Orthotics degree

Are you interested in a healthcare career that combines patient care, hand and spatial skills, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities? If so, consider the field of prosthetics-orthotics.

Just what IS prosthetics-orthotics? If you don’t know, you are not alone! Many of our students learned about this career through their own experience or that of a relative or close friend. Orthotics are orthopedic braces, an example of which is the kind of brace worn to correct spine curvature. Prosthetics are artifical limbs, fabricated for both upper and lower limbs. A CPO (certified prosthetist/orthotist) is trained to provide direct patient care and manage orthotic and prosthetic services for his or her patients. A CPO is employed by small and large private practices, and hospital and university-based clinics.

The University of Washington offers a two-year, full-time graduate program in prosthetics-orhotics. If you would like more information on the career, the program, prerequisites, how to prepare during your undergraduate education, or if you have any other questions, please send us an email at And don’t forget to visit our site:

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