Incarcerating America: Impacts of Mass Incarceration on Individual & Community Health

SOC 401 Incarcerating America: Impacts of Mass Incarceration on Individual and Community Health 

Full-term 5cr, T/Th 1:30-3:50, SWS 230

SLN: 14513

The goal of this course is to examine the impact of incarceration on the health of prisoners and individuals post-release as well as their families, partners, children, and communities. This course will extend beyond traditional classroom-based learning by touring the healthcare facilities of a prison to talk with medical- and mental health personnel. We will also invite a number of guest speakers, including former prisoners who will discuss their experiences behind bars and their reintegration in society upon their release.

Students can contact Marie Neumann via email ( if they’d like more information.

Course Flyer Updated Version

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