Interested in starting a Synapse chapter at UW?


Synapse empowers undergraduates to work together to improve the lives of individuals with brain injury across the nation.

Become a Synapse Chapter Founder!

Synapse’s student-led chapters collaborate with physicians and community organizations. Chapters primarily do three things:

‣ Host events to provide opportunities for individuals with brain injury to connect with and support one another
‣ Foster relationships between students and individuals with brain injury through a structured buddy program
‣ Organize lectures by physicians and researchers to spread awareness about brain injury

Synapse has established chapters at MIT and Stanford and is looking to grow. We are currently accepting applications for new chapters. Become a chapter founder to join a national network of student leaders and to support individuals with brain injury in your community.

Apply Here by November 15, 2016!

Questions? Email us at for more information. You can also learn more at our website,

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