Get involved with the Pipeline Project


The Pipeline Project is a volunteer and outreach organization which connects UW undergraduates to under-serviced Seattle Public K-12 schools with tutoring and mentoring opportunities.

They invite all majors and grades to tutor through our organization as there are many students in the schools we work with who seek the support of college students from all backgrounds.

You can get involved in with the Pipeline Project in 3 ways:

  1. Volunteering at one of their partner schools for 2 hours a week for total of 20 hours a quarter
  2. Enrolling in one of their Inner Pipeline Seminars where students will attend a 90-minute seminar focused on a topic in education plus tutor at one of their partner schools for the quarter. Students enrolled can receive up to 5 credits based on the amount of hours they tutor for the quarter. All seminars can be found under EDUC 401 in the time schedule under the College of Education. For a breakdown and more info on Winter Seminars look here:

  3. Participating in their Alternative Spring Break opportunities where students spend their spring break traveling to rural and tribal parts of Washington State and working with the local schools on literacy arts, environmental or NASA space science projects.


For more information on Pipeline Project visit, email, or visit them in Mary Gates Hall 171.

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