Opportunity to participate in UW-IT planning

UW-IT Student Program is looking for undergraduate students who are enrolled in a degree-granting program at theUniversity of Washington, in any year of your studies (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).

Here is a little more information about the study:

What: We are interested in interviewing you to understand how you have built and currently use your four-year plan. This could include deciding on your major, planning ahead for future course-load, registering for classes, and building and refining your entire academic plan – which classes you’ll take, in which quarter, and so on.

How: We will ask you to focus on your academic-planning task flow — to share your experience, show us the tools you use in this process, tell us what you like and dislike about how you’ve had to do this — all demonstrating your academic-planning task flow.

Where: Let us know which of the following campus locations better represents where you would typically do academic planning (or let us know which location we’ve missed and we’ll add it!): We’d like to interview you in the campus location that best represents the environment where you’d really do this planning.

1. Your department building 2. Odegaard Library 3. HUB 4. Other location on campus

When: First half of August. Duration: 1-1/2 hour.

Email us today at myplan-fieldstudy@uw.edu today to schedule the interview. Let us know what times could work for you, and please include your phone number if you have one.

Your participation and input will greatly improve the future of the University of Washington’s Student Information system.

As a thank-you gift, you’ll receive $25 Amazon gift card!

Thank you!

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