Uniting Voices: Mental Health Conference May 6


Uniting Voices: Mental Health Conference, on May 6th, 2017, at Alder’s Commons from 10 am – 3:30 pm, aims to develop greater awareness of mental health issues and empower attendees to combat the surrounding stigma.

The conference will feature Phil Borges, director of documentary CRAZYWISE, and Elaine Walsh, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC as keynote speakers. UW students will speak on a panel about their experiences with different mental illnesses to show the real-life implications of the discussed topics. Flanking the student panel section will be six discussion-based workshops: 1) Psychiatric Abuse; 2) Mental health in Public health; 3) The Hearing Voices Movement; 4) Positive Psychology: Resilience, Coping, Mindfulness; and 5) Forefront on Education, Community and Suicide;  6) Using Social Media to Impact System Change and Undermine Stigma; ending with a training, Suicide Prevention: How to Help.


WHEN: Saturday, May 6th,  10am – 3:30 pm (Check in: 9:30am)

WHERE: The University of Washington, Alder Commons

Contact us at actminds@uw.edu. Links: Facebook event, Facebook page

Food will be provided at the event.

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