Environmental Health Research Opportunity

Supporting Undergraduate Research Experiences in Environmental Health (SURE-EH)

Supporting Undergraduate Research Experiences in Environmental Health (SURE-EH) is now accepting applications from underrepresented undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Washington to conduct environmental health science-related research alongside faculty in the School of Public Health’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Science (DEOHS). Student researchers will be eligible for up to 2 years of funding, full-time during summer and part-time during the academic year.

We are currently look for two (2) students to work on the following research projects:

Project # 1: Evaluation of weather communication approaches as part of a heat alert system for agricultural supervisors.

We have an opening for an undergraduate student to assist on a research project focused on the prevention of adverse heat related illness in agricultural workers.

This project will test the relative benefits of different weather forecast formats, comparing decisions made with and without uncertainty and other parameters.  The student will work in collaboration with the research team, PI, and collaborators in UW Psychology to: help design a study, enroll participants in computerized experiments, analyze data, and – with collaborators at Washington State University’s AgWeatherNet weather station program – assist in incorporating the findings from this work into a heat alert system for agricultural supervisors.

Note: Experiments and analysis would likely occur during academic year ’17-18, and activities that translate findings into the practice would likely occur during ’18-19.

Desired qualifications: Undergraduate at junior level with completed coursework, and/or interest in psychology, meteorology, and/or public health.  Planned or completed introductory coursework in bio/statistics. Experience using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word and conducting literature searches.

Project # 2: Measuring chemical markers in air and dust to improve understanding of people’s exposure to diesel exhaust.

We have an opening for an undergraduate student to assist with research projects intended to improve our understanding of people’s exposure to diesel exhaust.  We will be measuring chemical markers of diesel exhaust in air and dust samples and by biomonitoring individuals within communities that have varying levels of traffic-related air pollution. The student would work in our lab under supervision of a research scientist to help develop and/or improve our analytical methods and analyze samples collected by collaborators in California.  The overall goals of the project are: 1) to compare exposures in communities that are heavily impacted with lesser impacted communities, 2) compare levels in child-parent pairs to understand exposure patterns across age groups, 3) examine the robustness of measuring air/dust samples compared with biomonitoring, and 4) evaluate the effectiveness of California’s diesel regulations.

Desired qualifications: Undergraduate at junior level with completed course work in chemistry.  Interest in public health research.

Questions? Please contact sure@uw.edu

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