Nutrition 511


I am a lecturer in the Nutritional Science Department and I will teach “Survey of Advanced Nutrition” Nutr 511 next fall, offered Wed from 10:30-12:20. Although this is a 500 level course I feel this course is well suited to pre-health and nursing seniors. The course changes every year to cover current topics, I will focus on evidence based medicine/nutrition and how that applies to individual and public health. I will include general nutrition background and the course will incorporate discussion based learning. This year will be a very exciting course. I plan to lecture on the topics at the forefront of the dietary guidelines just released late last year (e.g. changing recommended sodium intake) and discuss the evidence in support (or lack of support) for these guidelines. The focus will be on chronic disease as it associates with diet and discuss the effectiveness and feasibility of diet interventions. Students in this class would need to have basic biology and have either taken a general nutrition course or can prove they have taken sufficient pre-health courses to contribute to class discussions related to disease and health. I believe this is an exciting class and pre-health students will both benefit and contribute greatly to this course.

Feel free to contact me with questions, and if anyone is interested in taking the course e-mail me your background ( and I can send an add code.


Michelle Averill, PhD

Lecturer Department of Nutritional Sciences

Senior Fellow Diabetes and Obesity Center of Excellence

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