Spence Scholarship for Transfer Students Available – Apps due Feb 26th!

Spence Scholarships for Transfer Students Available!

Apply by Feb. 26 at https://expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/502

The Alan R. Spence Transfer Support Fund was established to support transfer students in their educational pursuits at the University of Washington.  Dr. Spence had a long career as an educational leader at several Washington state community colleges, including 24 years at Pierce College. Valuing the community college system as a place where student can begin their journey through higher education regardless of their circumstances and backgrounds, Dr. Spence worked tirelessly to ensure that institutional barriers would not impeded a student’s ability to be successful. This year, the Spence Fund will award 3-4 scholarships of $1000 each to UW students who entered as transfer students.

Get additional details at https://expd.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/Spence.

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