Swedish Epilepsy Center Summer Internship Opportunity

Over the past 13 years our team at Swedish Epilepsy Center hosted multiple undergraduates interested in clinical neuroscience for a summer internship. Most commonly, the intern’s goals are straightforward- how can they satisfy pre-med school application requirements. Specifically, can they shadow a clinician for 50-100 hours or so. Our team sees it differently.

Our Epilepsy interns learn how we treat patients with epilepsy. We want to spark interest in and fascination for the presentation and treatment of neurologic illness. With that in mind, clinical exposure is only part of the internship. We aim to have our interns work on research projects that are ethical, safe, important, and hopefully fun. Eight of our nine past interns have published their work with us in peer-reviewed Neurology journals. Many also presented their work in national meetings, and all have matriculated to either graduate medical or other STEM programs.

We are specifically looking for two undergraduates interested in neuroscience and the pursuit of a career in clinical neuroscience to spend 6-8 weeks with us this Summer learning about epilepsy, neurology and neurosurgery. The internship has a $4000 stipend associated, and the start and finish dates can vary between Mid-June to Mid-August.

Interested applicants can send their CV, a college transcript, and a 1 page cover letter describing why they are interested in a career in neuroscience to the following email: Michael.doherty@swedish.org by March 30, 2018.

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