Yale Fellowship in Developmental Psychopathology & Social Neuroscience

The Yale Autism Center of Excellence (ACE) and Yale  Social and Affective Neurodevelopment of Autism Program (SANA)  is interested in recruiting highly qualified students for exciting pre-doctoral fellowships for current graduates or graduating seniors.

The positions will commence July 2019.

Successful applicants will be involved in a 2-year training program involving clinical research experience. The primary training experience will be in daily activities related to behavioral, psychophysiological, eye-tracking and neuroimaging studies of toddlers and children with and without autism.

With research mentorship, selected applicants will be expected to guide a pre-determined project of research from the point of data collection through analysis and publication of results.

Interested students should send cover page, CV, official transcripts, and personal statements no later than January 15, 2019 in order to be considered for the position. Letters of recommendation are due by January 25, 2019.

Additional information about the lab can be found on their website:  https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/chawarska/autismcenter/

Questions regarding the Yale Fellowship in Developmental Psychopathology and Social Neuroscience may be directed to Dr. Suzanne Macari at sanalab@yale.edu.


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