Public Health Open House 4/10

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The School of Public Health (SPH) would like to announce their upcoming All-School Open House, which will be held on Wednesday, April 10th from 1pm-4pm at the Husky Union Building in the Lyceum (HUB 160).  This session will offer prospective students an opportunity to learn about the numerous paths and possibilities that their school offers.  Representatives from each of our departments and several of our major programs will be present to speak with students about their 62+ degree and certificate programs.  Members of SPH student organizations will also be present at the Open House to give students the chance to learn about the connections and community that their students build outside of the classroom.  And of course, there will be light refreshments.

The School of Public Health (SPH) would like to announce their upcoming All-School Open House, which will be held on Wednesday, April 10th from 1pm-4pm at the Husky Union Building in the Lyceum (HUB 160).  This session will offer prospective students an opportunity to learn about the numerous paths and possibilities that their school offers.  Representatives from each of our departments and several of our major programs will be present to speak with students about their 62+ degree and certificate programs.  Members of SPH student organizations will also be present at the Open House to give students the chance to learn about the connections and community that their students build outside of the classroom.  And of course, there will be light refreshments.

Representatives from each of our departments and several of our major programs will be present to speak with students about their 62+ degree and certificate programs.  Members of SPH student organizations will also be present at the Open House to give students the chance to learn about the connections and community that their students build outside of the classroom.  And of course, there will be light refreshments.

This event is open to all who wish to come – current UW students, prospective students from all over Washington State, and anyone else interested in learning about the undergraduate and graduate programs they offer at UW SPH. 

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