Unite For Sight

Hello everyone,

We invite you to participate in an exciting service opportunity at the UW:

Join Our Global Health Delivery Movement: Unite For Sight

Did you know that 80% of blindness is preventable or curable, and the life expectancy of blind persons is one-third less than that of their sighted peers? Make a global impact from campus! Unite For Sight’s chapter volunteers fundraise, and 100% goes directly to restoring sight and eliminating preventable blindness among those living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Our chapter will also hold global health events and activities. Join our global health delivery movement!

Unite For Sight is a global 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and we invite you to join the University of Washington chapter for the 2011-2012 academic year.

There are officer positions available if you are interested in taking a more involved role with the chapter (Officer Positions: http://www.uniteforsight.org/start-a-chapter/chapter-manual-track3/module3.

For more information, contact*ufsuw@uw.edu *and for reference, please see Unite For Sight?s website: http://www.uniteforsight.org http://www.uniteforsight.org/start-a-chapterand the attached flyer.

Best regards,

/Unite for Sight UW/ ufsuw@uw.edu

_______________________________________________ prehealth_students mailing list prehealth_students@u.washington.edu http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/prehealth_students

pdf iconUnite-for-Sight.pdf

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