St. George’s School of Veterinary Medicine Receives AVMA Accreditation

St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine Receives American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education Accreditation

St. George’s University is proud to announce that this September its Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program was awarded full, seven-year accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (AVMA COE). The accreditation decision is retroactive to the date of the council’s site visit on April 21, 2011; all students graduating after this date are considered graduates of an AVMA COE-accredited institution.

This AVMA accreditation, coupled with the school’s eligibility for US federal loans, makes St. George’s University’s School of Veterinary Medicine a very attractive choice for those seeking a global experience in veterinary medicine.

Please visit our website or contact the Director of Veterinary Enrolment, Jeffrey Bates at, or by calling +1 (800) 899-6337 ext 9 1218.

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