October 19, 2024

 The grads of UW Biology will be spending the next few months diving into their research and soaking up some of that delicious and outrageous Seattle sunshine.

Brandon Peecook: “I’ll be land-cruisin’ around Africa collecting 1/4 billion year old fossils, discerning patterns of extinction and recovery, and trying to not be eaten by several known man-eaters.”

(Dr.) Kelsey Byers: “I’ll be traipsing around the Alps collecting floral scent and tissue from alpine orchids!”

Jack Cerchiara: “I’ll be spending my summer studying the physiology of aging in Magellanic penguins.”

Jake Cooper: “I’ll be modeling how sex with neighbors is different from sex with randos.”

Yasmeen Hussain: “I’ll be watching sperm swim and making (urchin) babies.”

Michael Dorrity: “I’ll be pitting millions of yeast against each other in fiercely competitive agar-digging tournaments.”

Stephanie Crofts: “I’ll be playing with fish and finding new ways to crush shells.”

David DeMar Jr.: “I’ll be the field crew chief in northeastern Montana for the Hell Creek III project with hopes of finding a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton for the UW Burke Museum.”

Melissa Eng: “I’ll be collecting time lapse images of developing fruit fly larvae to understand what contributes to maintained distinction between axons and dendrites (transmitters and receivers of information).”

Derek Smith: “I’ll be following up on 2300-year-old benthic settlement experiments started by ancient Greek and Roman sailors when their ships and artifacts went down throughout the Mediterranean Sea.”

Joshua Swore: “I’ll be looking at and comparing babies… baby invertebrates found in the Puget Sound while they develop.”

Leander Love-Anderegg: “I’ll be exploring how Rocky Mountain forests deal with drought by shooting trees with a shotgun.”

Stephanie Smith: “I am going to dig up some tiny fossil teeth and help Dave find that T. rex that he wants so much. “

Casey Self: “Defending, then starting a project measuring cranial suture patency in adult humans”

Jennifer Day: “I’ll be watching digital critters make babies.”

Jonathan Calede: “I’ll be spending part of my summer digging up western Montana for fossil mammals and another part of it looking at gopher skulls. Lots of burrowing and burrowers!”
Emily Grason: “I’ll be trying to guess what snails are thinking, and cleaning up lots of crab poop – and maybe doing some hiking.”

Myles Fenske: “I’m spending my summer making petunias glow in the dark–to a rhythm!”

Emily Bain: “I’ll be checking out expression of pigment cell genes in zebrafish and drinking lots of beer on a boat on Lake Washington.”

Sweta Agrawal: “Seducing flies with magnets wasn’t enough — this summer, I’ll be adding lasers to my system, so I can start to CONTROL FLY MINDS.”

Matthew George: “I’ll be yanking critters off of rocks.”

Shawn Luttrell: “I’ll be here on campus doing a ton of in situ hybridization and staining of neural tissue in regenerating hemichordates.”

Katrina van Raay: “I’ll be watching one of the world’s smallest animals eat tiny multicellular algae from the inside out.”

Charles Beightol: “I’ll be in Zambia hunting prehistoric big game therapsids, and then finish off the summer at Petrified Forest National Park, AZ searching for lost croc relatives!”

Ian Breckheimer: “I’ll be torturing alpine plants on Mt. Rainier, where only the strong survive!”

Laura Newcomb: “I’ll be pulling mussels off of aquaculture lines on board a mussel harvesting boat to help me understand how elevated temperature and ocean acidification may weaken mussel attachment strength.”

Lauren Debey: “I’ll be taking undergraduate students and K-12 teachers to Montana to dig for dinosaurs.”

Lauren Vandepas: “I’ll be subjecting the ctenophore Pleurobrachia bachei to immune challenges to characterize the innate immune system of a basal animal group and enjoying the gorgeousness that is summer at Friday Harbor Labs.”

Jiae Lee: “I’ll be zapping the fly neuron with a laser to find out what happens inside them with overcoming the pain and struggling to grow back.”

Melissa Steele-Ogus: “I’m going to be indoctrinating undergrads in assisting me in my nefarious schemes to take over the world! Er, I mean, I’m going to quietly work on my research and not plot any sort of mad science.”

Alexander Lowe: “I’ll be recording eelgrass and oysters (De-?)acidifying the ocean.”

Rochelle Kelly: “I’ll be studying bat ecology on the San Juan Islands this summer.”

Audrey Ragsac: “I’ll be taking a course on tropical botany in Miami.”

Leith Miller: “I’ll be microCT scanning bat nose leaves and ears, as well as getting elbow deep in mammal masticatory muscles.”

Aric Rininger: “I’m going to spend this summer watching weeds grow and taping leaves to microscope slides.”

Edith Pierre-Jerome: “This summer I will be be gene cloning, gene cloning, and maybe do some more gene cloning.”

Itzue Caviedes Solis: “I will spend my summer under the stars walking along the rivers looking for frogs in Mexican forest!”

Matthew McElroy: “This summer I’ll be sequencing DNA from Puerto Rican lizards in order to study physiology and population differentiation.”

CJ Battey: “I’m in Mexico surveying the avian biodiversity of the mountains of southeastern Nuevo León.”  

Frazer Meacham: “I’ll be speculating on some problems in fields only vaguely related to biology, while using some math.”

William Hardin: “I’ll be taking movies of reproducing Giardia, while listening to Pandora.”

Eliza Heery: “I’ll be sorting through worms, clams, snails and more in sediment samples from an experiment I’m running off of Alki Beach.”

Jared Grummer: “I’ll be collecting and analyzing genomic data of western North American lizards and frogs, while preparing for and subsequently presenting at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in Tennessee!”
