October 19, 2024

   Last week I had a bit of a surprise waiting in my inbox. It was a message from a co-conspirator, “Dr.” Greg Wilson, that we had been caught white-handed in our atheist hoax. Our nightmare became real, and we were exposed.
      An incriminating photograph taken in Montana in 2013 shows Greg and myself using plaster of Paris to create a dinosaur bone. Dinosaurs are one of the best tools we of the evolutionist/secular/atheist super-crew use to gobble up kiddos for indoctrination. I feel like an idiot for wearing such a blatant shirt, but honestly, I never thought this photo would surface.
      What’s worse is that we were also caught trying to brainwash capable K-12 educators we had tricked into joining us through the DIG Field School. We were also joined by a young clone of Joe Felsenstein, seeking eternal earthly life.


        Okay, enough garbage. I am not sure how I feel about this image. At first I was amused, but over time it has just become sort of a bummer. Sitting in a biology department in Seattle I don’t often enough confront the anti-science mindset that is so thoroughly spread around much of our society. The group that made this may just be a group of internet trolls trying to stir up trouble, but their ‘message’ will still resonate with some of the populace– and that is cause for concern. Mull it over as you spread out over the country for the holidays.

Gallup’s long-running Human Origins question for the American public, with this summer’s data.

        On a lighter note, the dinosaur bone that we are JACKETING FOR TRANSPORT TO THE BURKE MUSEUM IN SEATTLE is the very large scapula (or shoulder-blade) of a Triceratops from the Hell Creek Formation, aged to just over 66 million years. This bone, and many others, have been collected by groups of primary and secondary educators who have come to Montana to learn about the scientific method, geology, evolution, and paleontology from Greg and his students. I have had the pleasure of acting as a field assistant for the DIG (Discoveries in Geosciences) Field School for multiple summers and it is an absolute delight to spend time with eager teachers who go home excited and ready to discuss evolution, deep time, and science with their classes. If you know an educator who needs an enrichment course point them to the DIG Field School!

~Brandon Peecook
