July 17, 2024

Another year, another great Graduate Student Symposium (GSS)!
While attempting to get our own research done and balancing other aspects of our professional and personal life, it is often easy to forget what a broad department we work in and how incredibly knowledgable the fantastic scientists around us are. GSS is always a great reminder of all the cool science that our friends and colleagues are involved in and this year was no exception. Just take a look at the line-up:

  • Savannah Olroyd: Allometry of sound reception structures in a modern analog for non-mammalian therapsid hearing
  • Aji John: Characterizing forest microclimates by in-situ instrumentation
  • Romi Ramos: A-mazie-ing yeast: Using yeast to study a corn developmental pathway
Romi Ramos
  • Ashley Paynter: Ultra-deep sequencing as a predictor of dog lymphoma
  • Caroline Cappello: Better late than never? Consequences of later and less synchronous breeding in Magellanic penguins
  • Meera Sethi: “Do you want a pet cockroach?” The role of informal science education in invertebrate conservation
This year, we were also visited by Dolce, Meera’s Madagascar hissing cockroach, who was working to increase some awareness about invertebrate conservation 😀
  • Ethan Linck: Humans, nature, and biodiversity conservation in Melanesia
  • Ryan McGee:  No pain, no gain: The cost of genetic information
  • Claire Rusch: To bee or not to bee: Neural processing and cognition in a miniature brain
  • Josh Swore: The role of gap junctions in synchronizing and coordinating the nervous system and behavior of Hydra vulgaris
  • Lyda Harris: Microplastic in the Salish Sea, science, and popular news
  • Luke Weaver: Multituberculate mammals might have mingled in the Mesozoic, maybe
Luke Weaver
  • Yue Shi: Prey partitioning among sympatric Canids
  • Stuart Graham: Which tree species make the best neighbors?
Stuart Graham
  • Audrey Ragsac: Around the world in 30 Million years: Phylogeny and biogeography of Tecomeae (Bignoniaceae)
Audry Ragsac
  • Katie Stanchak: Anatomical diversification of a skeletal novelty in bat feet
  • Dave Slager: Seasonal and directional dispersal in an ongoing dove invasion
  • Andy Magee: Flexible birth-death process phylogenetic tree models with Markov random fields
  • Meg Whitney: Comparative histology and development of dicynodont tusks
  • Ana Maria Bedoya: Investigating the evolution of aquatic plants in northern South America: A preliminary look at preliminary data
Ana Maria-Bedoya

We also had a mini award ceremony at the end to celebrate these exceptional folks

  • Best dressed: Romi Ramos
  • Prettiest pictures: Yue Shi
  • Most appealing to a 3rd grader: Meg Whitney
  • Best new artist: Claire Rusch
  • Best title: Romi Ramos
  • Biggest laugh: Ana Maria Bedoya

Let’s end this post with a big round of applause to the 3rd year cohort (Tony, Caroline, Stuart, Liv, Andy, Sage, Savanna, Romi), the organizers of this year’s GSS!!!
