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2012 - 2013 Academic Year
Summer2013 Grads and Staff Summer2013 Grads and Staff

SIBL Grad Students celebrate Caitlin and Allison's accomplishments.

SIBL Grad Students celebrate Caitlin and Allison's accomplishments

Summer2013 Group Picture Spring 2013 Group Picture

Summer 2013 SIBL Group Members

SIBLings Lily and Sherry got to practice their photoshopping skills.
Spring 2013 Group Picture Mary Gates - Presentors
Spring 2013 SIBL Group Members Allison, Wenwen, and Amanda after Presenting at Mary Gates
Mary Gates Mary Gates

Poster Presentors Lily, Nathasha, Ellie, and Alejandro at the Mary Gates Undergraduate Research Symposium

Alejandro with his Poster at Mary Gates
Mary Gates - Lily Mary Gates - Natasha

Lily with her Poster at Mary Gates

Nathasha Presenting her Poster
Mary Gates - Ellie Mary Gates - WenWen

Ellie Discussing her Research with an Interested Undergrad

Wenwen Presenting her Research
Mary Gates - Amanda Paws2

Amanda Presenting at the Mary Gates Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ellie and Derek Talking toFamilies at Paws-On Science
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Lily and Amanda Helping Visitors Navigate the SecondLife Rooms at Paws-On Science

Caitlin, Amanda, Lily, and Derek Sporting their UW Lab Coats at Paws-On Science!
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Alejandro and Lily Sharing SIBL Research

Amanda, Lily, and Ellie Sharing SIBL Research
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Ellie and Derek Teaching Children How to Navigate the SecondLife Classroom Environments

Marissa and Caitlin Show their Support for RAs!
Paws1 Winter 2013

Amanda, Alejandro, and Lily at Paws-On Science

Winter 2013 SIBL Group Members
SPSP 2013

Winter 2013 SIBL Group Members

Sapna Meets with Former SIBLers Anisha, Saenam, and Wen in New York!
WiSE 2013
Clara, Sapna and Oliver Meet Up in New York City! Alejandro Presenting the Debunking Stereotypes Workshop
Our Four WiSE Presenters! Alejandro, Wenwen, Ellie, and Amanda at the WiSE Conference Wenwen Presenting the Debunking Stereotypes Workshop
SPSP 2013
Ellie Presenting the Debunking Stereotypes Workshop

Allison visits Amanda at her poster at the SPSP Conference

SPSP Tutorial

Wenwen Presents at the SPSP Conference in New Orleans

Fall 2012 Inter-lab SPSS Tutorial

Fall 2012 SIBL Group Members

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