Baga Oigor Introduction - Tsagaan Salaa II - Tsagaan Salaa III - Tsagaan Salaa IV - Baga Oigor I - Baga Oigor II - Baga Oigor III

The Petroglyphs of Tsagaan Salaa IV

This page displays images of petroglyphs in Tsagaan Salaa Sector IV according to the mapping done by Jacobson et al. They are presented here first in the order of the numbering in Jacobson et al. 2001, followed by a few instances of the those numbered in Kubarev, and finally images which I have not been able to locate in the books. That is, there has been no effort to maintain a particular geographical order. The full bibliographic references will be found on the introductory page. For the images depicted in those publications, the authors indicate what part of the sector in which they are found and provide a measuring scale. Some of the images here also contain a 10 cm measuring scale.

Jacobson 2001, fig. 296, pl. 122; Kubarev, fig. 319

Jacobson 2001, fig. 310, pl. 116; Kubarev, fig. 343

Jacobson 2001, figs. 314, 315

Jacobson 2001, fig. 150; Kubarev, fig. 142

Jacobson 2001, fig. 323, pl. 125; Kubarev, fig. 383

Jacobson 2001, fig. 328, pls. 131-133; Kubarev, fig. 388

Jacobson 2001, fig. 328, pls. 131-133; Kubarev, fig. 388

Jacobson 2001, fig. 328, pls. 131-133; Kubarev, fig. 388

Jacobson 2001, fig. 333; pls. 145, 146; Kubarev, fig. 398

Jacobson 2001, fig. 333; pls. 145, 146; Kubarev, fig. 398

Jacobson 2001, fig. 362, pl. 138

Jacobson 2001, fig. 362, pl. 138

Jacobson 2001, fig. 392

Jacobson 2001, fig. 420

Jacobson 2001, fig. 420

Jacobson 2001, fig. 420

Jacobson 2001, fig. 431

Jacobson 2001, fig. 434; Kubarev, fig. 468

Jacobson 2001, fig. 436; Kubarev, fig. 470

Jacobson 2001, fig. 436; Kubarev, fig. 470

Jacobson 2001, fig. 437; Kubarev, fig. 471

Jacobson 2001, fig. 455; Kubarev, fig. 489

Jacobson 2001, fig. 456

Jacobson 2001, fig. 456

Jacobson 2001, fig. 457

Jacobson 2001, fig. 515

Jacobson 2001, fig. 541

Jacobson 2001, fig. 547: Kubarev, fig. 581

Jacobson 2001, fig. 547: Kubarev, fig. 581

Jacobson 2001, fig. 551

Jacobson 2001, fig. 553

Jacobson 2001, fig. 558: Kubarev, fig. 597

Jacobson 2001, fig. 574

Jacobson 2001, fig. 582

Jacobson 2001, fig. 583

Jacobson 2001, fig. 583

Jacobson 2001, fig. 584; Kubarev, fig. 622

Jacobson 2001, fig. 584; Kubarev, fig. 622

Jacobson 2001, fig. 584; Kubarev, fig. 622

Jacobson 2001, fig. 584; Kubarev, fig. 622

Jacobson 2001, fig. 597

Jacobson 2001, fig. 597

Jacobson 2001, fig. 605

Jacobson 2001, pl. 118

Photographs © 2005 Daniel C. Waugh