Division of Nuclear Medicine

SimSET Registration Form

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We have been having trouble with the following on-line form. Please email the information to us instead. Thank you!

Please fill out this form if you are a new SimSET user. The information you supply will allow us to keep track of who is using what, and will enable us to keep you informed of new developments, bug fixes, etc.


What is your name?

What is your email address?


What is the name of your institution?

What is your professional address?

What are you hoping to use SimSET for?

Click on the 'Clear Form' button to erase all your entries and start again.

Click on the 'Submit' button to send your details to us.


Thanks for filling this form out. We will put your e-mail address on the SimSET mailing list. Good Luck!

(If you have trouble submitting the form, or if you don't receive a welcome message from us, please submit this information via email to simset@u.washington.edu).


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Last revised by: Robert Harrison
Revision date: 15 Oct 2001