University of Washington College of Education

2009 Pre-Institute Mini-Courses

Registration fees for the optional pre-conference Mini-Courses and Ethics Seminar are in addition to the Institute registration.

Monday, October 5

8:00amRegistration Desk Opens

8:00am - 9:00amCoffee and tea service

9:00am - 11:00amMorning Mini-Courses

  1. Special Education 101
    An introductory level mini-course on Special Education with an emphasis on what attorneys, educators, and parents need to know regarding the educational legal rights and entitlements of children with disabilities. This mini-course will also cover the amended Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal law mandating the education of all children with special education needs, including legal requirements for child find, assessment, eligibility, multidisciplinary team (MDT) evaluations & recommendations, individualized education programs (IEPs), free appropriate public education (FAPE), related services, least restrictive environment (LRE), zero reject, extended school year (ESY), stay-put, graduation, and discipline. - Darcy Kriha, Attorney at Law, Franczek Radelet & Rose, Chicago, Illinois
  2. Behavior and Discipline Issues for Students with Special Needs
    An intermediate level mini-course overviewing the history and preset discipline legal requirements under IDEA, including process and content for Honig Injunctions, Functional Behavioral Assessments, Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) , Alternative Interim Education Placement (AIEP?s) and Manifestation Determinations; dealing with drugs, weapons and the dangerous student; comparisons to Sec 504 requirements and practice suggestions for avoidance of successful legal challenges. - Rick Bartos, Attorney at Law, Bartos Law Offices, Helena, Montana
  3. "Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses" and LD: Making Sense of the Legal Requirements and Implementing Compliant Practices
    A practical, intermediate level mini-course reviewing the "Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses" (PSW) eligibility model and evaluation process for Specific Learning Disabilities. This course will offer an attorney perspective on the theory and implementation of PSW model in light of the legal requirements and admonishments in the IDEA 2004 regulations and commentary. Guidelines for compliant practice as well as tips on potential pitfalls will be offered. - Suzy Harris, Attorney at Law, Portland, Oregon

11:00am - 12:30pmLunch Break

Lunch on your own

12:45pm - 2:45pmEarly Afternoon Mini-Courses

  1. The Building Principal and Special Education
    An interactive seminar specially designed to introduce and re-introduce building administrators to key concepts and practical tips necessary to negotiate the slippery slope that can be special education law. - Darcy Kriha, Attorney at Law, Franczek Radelet & Rose, Chicago, Illinois
  2. Writing and Presenting Appropriate IEPs
    A practical mini-course dissecting the IEP legal requirements under IDEA by analyzing content issues, linking present levels of student performance with measurable goals and emphasizing effective and efficient processes for writing IEPs that are accurate, appropriate, descriptive and measurable. The role of IEP team, Rowley Standard and facilitation techniques will be included. - Karen H. Simmonds, Attorney at Law, Partner, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates & Ellis, LLP, Seattle, Washington
  3. Autism Alert
    There is a significant body of case regarding the education of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This intermediate session will discuss the case law concerning autistic students; the meaning of FAPE (including procedural and substantive lessons); discipline; instructional methodology; LRE; and future areas of concern. - Julie Weatherly, Attorney at Law, Resolutions in Special Education, Inc., Mobile, Alabama

2:45pm - 3:00pmCoffee Break

3:00pm - 5:00pmLate Afternoon Mini-Courses

  1. Section 504, the ADA and Disability Discrimination
    An intermediate level mini-course discussing Section 504 and Title II of the ADA, as they relate to school districts. This session will highlight the requirements of the statutes and their implementing regulations and will offer insight into the duty to provide a free appropriate public education, provide some comparisons with the IDEA, and discuss the duty to not discriminate. OCR's role in enforcing these statutes will be highlighted. The session will also include a discussion of the new ADA Amendment Act, effective 2009. - Paul Goodwin, Attorney at Law, Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education, Seattle, Washington and Kelli Schmidt, Attorney at Law, Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education, Seattle, Washington
  2. Building Positive Relationships
    A practical mini-course about dealing with challenging situations – both involving parents and district staff. Practical suggestions on how to avoid "creating" negative relationships and how to manage difficult situations once they have already been created. - Graham M. Hicks, Attorney at Law, Graham M. Hicks, P.C., Beaverton, Oregon and Diane F. Wiscarson, Attorney at Law, Diane Frost Wiscarson, P.C., Portland, Oregon
  3. Response to Intervention
    An intermediate level mini-course overviewing the academic aspects of RTI, with compelling rationales for Multi-Tiered and Response to Intervention approaches. The course will provide an update on procedures for use in Reading, Math, and Written Language and present some lessons learned from an implementing school district that is providing extensive technical assistance to other districts. Outcomes and issues related to other approaches will be discussed. - Petrea Hagen-Gilden, Director of Student Services and Elementary Programs, Tigard-Tualatin School District, Dundee, Oregon
  4. Ethics Seminar: Ethics and Professional Responsibility in the Practice of Special Education Law
    An interactive ethics seminar specially designed for attorneys and to meet State Bar Association CLE program standards; includes problems and hypotheticals with ethical considerations based on real life school law practice; issue identification, and participant discussion; and recommended professional practices. - Christopher Hirst, Attorney at Law, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP, Seattle, Washington

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