Download VOIS3D

Version Information: (.exe) PC only [MAC users can run VOIS3D in a virtual Windows operating system environment, such as VMWare or Parallels]

The following instructions are for installing and running the standalone VOIS3D application.

Download Files

In order to install VOIS3D, you will need the following files:

1. mglinstaller.exe (creates the C:\MATLAB6p5p1\bin\win32 directory)

2. The VOIS3D zip file

3. The VOIS3D User Manual

Installing the Files

1. Unzip the file. This should create VOIS3D.exe and bin folders.

2. Copy all files with the .dll extension (*.dll) and drop the copies into the "matlab/bin/win32" folder (make sure they keep their original names).

3. Also copy the VOIS3D.exe file and drop the copy into the matlab/bin/win32 folder.

4. Copy any files from the bin folder that was unzipped with the .exe file into the matlab/bin/win32 folder. It is ESSENTIAL for the VOIS3D.exe file to be in the matlab/bin/win32 folder for the standalone application to work.

Because you are running from copies of the original files, the original files will be available to you in case you accidentally delete a file, or need to redo this process.

Launching VOIS3D

Double-click on the VOIS3D.exe program file. A DOS screen may appear first, but don't worry. The VOIS3D window should soon appear in the foreground.

Running VOIS3D

For help beginning your VOIS3D session, consult the file "VOIS3D Manual".