2016 Russian Student Program

Russian in the Sky and in Outer Space

Two Students Looking at a Computer Monitor

"STARTALK offered me a way to share my Russian culture with others and learn more about my heritage as something to be proud of in the process. It was wonderful to meet new people and compare my experiences with their own, as well as discovering relationships between Russia and America that I never knew existed."

Students Wearing NASA Jackets in Training Session

"The STARTALK Student Program appealed to me because of the opportunities I received to work with flourishing young minds of students who were able to speak Russian. The program allowed people with similar backgrounds and interests to meet one another, and, through personal and direct conversation, develop their skills in a way no classroom environment can."

STARTALK Students Staning in Front of a Plane

"I enjoyed the STARTALK program because of the people I met, it's pretty rare to come across other russophonic kids, especially ones that share your interests."



At the University of Washington Language Learning Center in Condon Hall.

Program flyer: English

The STARTALK Student Program, "Russian in the Sky and in Outer Space," aims to enroll 20 high school and early college Russian heritage language students in a four-week intensive language program. The program combines the history of the most important events of space exploration with that of aircraft design and the language of science and technology. A content-based component STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is woven into this program through a partnership with the Museum of Flight. Students’ various interests are further addressed by a range of projects above and beyond the STEM topics.


  • 5 UW credits by enrolling in RUSS 499 through the Slavic Department
  • 100 hours of total instructional content with emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
  • Scholarship Assistance for ACTFL OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview computer-based) and WPT (Writing Proficiency Test), and the possibility for high school students to earn up to 4 competency-based credits for high school world languages
  • Increased linguistic accuracy and sensitivity to cultural norms
  • Two exciting trips to the Museum of Flight: the Aviation Learning Center and the Challenger Learning Center
  • Interviews with Russian professionals from Microsoft and Boeing
  • Elective Projects beyond STEM topics
  • Friday movies and games

Goals of the Program

  • to sharpen and expand students’ use of formal Russian language beyond intimate family speech
  • to strengthen students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening ability, especially in formal Russian language in varied disciplines
  • to prepare students to take their Russian language skills out into the Russian community and the world
UW Summer Quarter Registration Fee for the four-week Student Program: $44

Летняя программа STARTALK «Русский язык в небе и космосе»

Интенсивная четырехнедельная языковая программа STARTALK при Университете Вашингтона рассчитана на старшеклассников - наследственных носителей русского языка, умеющих читать и писать. Программа посвящена истории изучения космоса и самолетостроению,что позволяет учащимся освоить научный стиль речи. Изучение русского языка происходит на основе STEM (естественнонаучные дисциплины, компьютерные технологии, инженерное дело и математика) и включает экскурсии и лабораторные работы в Музее Воздухоплавания (Museum of Flight) в Сиэтле. Помимо изучения технических дисциплин, студентам на выбор предлагается ряд гуманитарных проектов, например, по истории и лингвистике. По завершении программы учащиеся могут получить 5 университетских кредитов и сдать устный и письменный тест, чтобы подтвердить уровень владения русским языком. Используя результаты тестов, старшеклассники могут получить до 4 кредитов в школе.

Program Director: Anatoliy Klots Student Program Lead Instructor: Dr. Svetlana Abramova
Math and Astronomy Instructor: Dr. Marina Zamarashkina

Program Information

STARTALK program is supported by

REECAS            Slavic Languages and Literatures

Links to additional past program information: