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Save the Date: On Sept. 3-6, 2025, 4S Will Be in Seattle

The annual meeting for the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) association, the international nonprofit devoted to fostering interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (a field often referred to as STS), will be in Seattle, Washington at the Sheraton Grand Hotel on September 3-6, 2025. 

For STS scholars in the region, there are opportunities to join the organization and program committees. Reach out to the 4S Seattle co-chairs Daniela Rosner ( and/or Anna Lauren Hoffmann ( to learn more. The next program meeting will be on July 29, 2024.

Stay tuned for future updates and announcements about 4S, opportunities to volunteer, and get updates on local off-site events that elevate what’s special about the Pacific Northwest and our STS community across the UW.