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Case List History Objectives Radiology Images Questions
Case #1 -
This 70 year old female underwent emergency sigmoid resection and colostomy

4.) What differential diagnosis do you consider in this patient?

Differential diagnosis:

  1. Prerenal - impaired renal perfusion

           Hypovolemia, hemorrhage, dehydration, cardiac failure, inadequate fluid
    replacement for        operative and third space losses, abdominal compartment syndrome

  2. Postrenal - obstruction of the urinary excretory pathway or injury to bladder
    Catheter blocked,        ligation of ureter, damage to urethra, bladder injury,
    urinary retention if no catheter

  3. Renal - acute injury to nephrons, glomeruli, or tubules
           Drugs (aminoglycosides, amphotericin, NSAID's), toxins (contrast), prolonged hypotension,        myoglobin injuries, ischemic injury to kidney

   The Virtual Patient > Case List > POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS: Questions