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Case List History Objectives Radiology Images Questions
Case #1 -
A 34 year old shot in the L upper chest

2.) What findings do you look for on physical exam?

Physical examination:

  • Primary survey: airway (ability to talk); breathing (sucking chest wound, adequacy of ventilation, breath sounds); circulation (external bleeding, vital signs); neurologic disability (pupils, level of consciousness, motor response to stimuli)

  • Secondary survey: detailed physical examination including search for possible exit wound.

Findings in this patient: a 1cm "sucking" wound just under the left mid clavicle; possible exit wound on the upper right back over the mid right scapula; complete sensorimotor loss below the nipples and no rectal tone; distal pulses are present and equal in all four extremities.

   The Virtual Patient > Case List > TRAUMA: Questions