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Case #5 -
A 21 year old stabbed in the L anterior neck

1.) What additional information regarding the history and physical do you need?  Answer 
2.) What is meant by Zones I, II, and III in the neck?  Answer 
3.) How does the location of injury affect management?  Answer 
4.) If this patient's injury was in the mid neck, what would you do?  Answer 
5.) If her blood pressure fell while you were evaluating her, what would you do?  Answer 
6.) If the injury were at the base of the neck (Zone I) and she were stable, how would you evaluate her?  Answer 
7.) If the injury were in Zone III and she had some focal neurologic deficit, how would you evaluate her?  Answer 
8.) Which patients can be managed nonoperatively?  Answer 
9.) What are indications for immediate exploration?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > TRAUMA - Case # 5