Alexander J. Skokan, MD




Urology Clinic at UW Medical Center – Northwest
McMurray Medical Building, 1536 N. 115th Street, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98133

Urology Clinic at Harborview
Norm Maleng Building, 410 9th Ave., Seattle, WA 98104


  • English

Gender Affirming Care

  • Vulvovaginoplasty
  • Orchiectomy
  • Phalloplasty
  • Metoidioplasty
  • Fertility preservation
  • Repair of complications from past procedures

Medical Specialties

  • Urology
  • Gender affirming surgical care
  • Telehealth services


Alexander J. Skokan, MD, is a board-certified trauma and reconstructive urologist with specialty expertise in genital gender affirming surgery.

Dr. Skokan completed his urologic surgery residency at the University of Pennsylvania, where he worked extensively with the world-renowned faculty at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He gained significant experience in the surgical care of congenital conditions affecting the genitalia and urinary tract such as hypospadias, bladder exstrophy, and differences of sexual development. Following completion of his training, Dr. Skokan elected to pursue an additional year of focused experience in fellowship at the University of Washington, honing his skills in surgical reconstruction of the genitalia through care of the most complex disease states after trauma, radiation therapy, and other cancer treatments.

While in fellowship, Dr. Skokan developed a passion for the care of transgender and non-binary patients; in his free time, he pursued additional dedicated experience at several high-volume gender care centers throughout the country to develop the surgical techniques necessary to meet the unique needs of trans and non-binary patients. Upon joining the UW faculty, he began constructing the health system’s program to provide genital gender affirming surgery and comprehensive gender affirming care. He has partnered with providers across disciplines throughout UW Medicine and the greater Puget Sound community to help develop a world-class program for Seattle and its surrounding communities.

In addition to genital gender affirming surgery, Dr. Skokan has clinical expertise in the open, laparoscopic, and robotic treatment of many urologic diseases. He is also a surgeon at Harborview Medical Center, the only Level 1 trauma center for the WWAMI region and a tertiary referral center for complex urologic disease. He provides surgical treatment for urethral strictures, injuries to the ureter and bladder, male urinary incontinence, advanced erectile dysfunction, ureteral strictures, and pelvic reconstruction for advanced bladder dysfunction. His research interests focus on sexual function in trauma survivors and transgender patients, where he collaborates with a multidisciplinary team to improve our understanding of factors underlying sexual dysfunction.

Dr. Skokan believes that “everyone deserves the right to feel comfortable in their own body and in their local community. I consider it a privilege to be able to use my skills to meet the unique needs of patients in trans communities throughout the WWAMI region. I advocate for and strive to deliver world-class care for all the patients that we touch in UW Medicine’s Gender Care Program.”

When not working, he loves to cook new foods with his family, hike, ski, and manage their (tiny) home garden.