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Dr. Rodney Ho delivered an invited presentation at the Long-Acting/Extended Release (LA/ER) Antiretroviral Drugs Workshop at the Westin Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, MA on February 21st, 2016. His speech, entitled “Lymphatic Targeting of combination HIV drugs– TLC ART” and sponsored by The Long-Acting/Extended Release Antiretroviral Resource Program (LEAP), covers new strategies proven to provide long-acting behaviors and improve drug acceptance in the lymphatics (Presentation: Rodney Ho: Lymphatic Targeting – TLC ART). “…lectures, conferences and workshops…help move the field of LA/ER drugs forward.” (source:

The LEAP program is publicly funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and serves, “…to support established investigators and encourage new investigators entering this field by 1) providing access to a centralized group of subject matter experts, 2) establishing a communications and data hub for dissemination of important results and resources, and 3) developing a modeling and simulation core to aid investigators in assigning priority to drugs and formulations in development.” (source: For more information, click through the embedded links.