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From Left to Right: Loren Kinman, Lisa McConnachie, Josefin Koehn and John C. Kraft

In the AIDS journal, the TLC-ART team reported that a dose of HIV drug combination, targeted to the residual virus in lymph nodes-exhibiting drug insufficiency, persisted with high levels over 2 weeks. Currently HIV patients take multiple pills daily and do not have drug levels high enough to clear the virus in the nodes. The results, improved lymph node drug levels over two weeks, was demonstrated in monkeys and will be published in the March 2017 issue of AIDS, one of the most respected HIV/AIDS journals. John Kraft, Lisa McConnachie, Josefin Koehn, Loren Kinman, Carol Collins, Danny Shen, Ann Collier and Rodney Ho lead the research team. The linked article is entitled, “Long-acting combination anti-HIV drug suspension enhances and sustains higher drug levels in lymph node cells than in blood cells and plasma

A pre-print version of this article is available online

This study is sponsored by NIH Grant  UM1 AI120176.