

Project SARAH

For individuals who are experiencing distress after experiencing a sexual assault psychotherapy to target ongoing symptoms may be helpful. Project SARAH is a research study…

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Past Project

Project SELF

The objective of this research project is to evaluate whether changes in cognitive factors can reduce hazardous drinking among current and graduating college students. …

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NarXii – Residence XII

The overall goal of this study was to examine emotional engagement with the trauma memory during treatment for AUD as a predictor of decreased…

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Past Project

Sacred Journey: Transcending Trauma, Substance Use and STI Risks Toward

A 3-year project to culturally adapt and pilot an empirically supported trauma-focused treatment, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD, substance use and HIV/STI sexual…

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Past Project

BRITE – Brief Restructuring Intervention after Trauma Exposure

Following sexual assault a substantial number of victims will go on to develop psychopathology, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or alcohol use disorders…

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Past Project