

Liberia is located in the western part of Africa amd borders the Atlantic Ocean, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. The population is around 3 million people and English is the official.  The civil war that occurred from 1989 to 2003 destroyed much if Liberia’s economy.Blood Diamonds contributed in the violent attack in Liberia called the "Revolutionary United Front" (RUF). This occurred from 1992-2001 in Liberian War Zones Liberia’s president Charles Taylor was accused of exchanging and providing arms and training for the RUF in 2000 to fellow country Sierra Leone. 2003 Taylor was sent to jail in Nigeria and was then transferred to the Netherlands to stand trial in The Hague International Criminal Court. In January of 2005, the first women, Ellen Johnson was announced the first women head of state in the country of Liberia. In 2006 Taylor pleaded not guilty to 11 charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes.


Sierra Leone   Angola    Ivory Coast

Liberia   Republic of Congo


Source: 2005. World Diamond Council. 19 Jul 2007 <http://www.diamondfacts.org/>


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