My favorite thing to do is listen to music. I don’t think I would ever be able to live without music. I was so excited when I got an ipod for Christmas. Now, my ipod goes everywhere I go, well, for the most part. My favorite types of music is Hip- Hop and R&B. I grew up listening to these two and my love for them got stronger.
I listen to music all the time. I listen to it when I do my homework, when I’m in the car, when I go to sleep, when I have nothing else to do, when I’m angry, when I’m poignant, and whenever I can get the chance to.
My other favorite thing to do is sing. Even though I cannot carry one note, I still love to sing. I always have an urge to sing along with every song that I’m familiarized with. Why? I don’t really know but it is probably my love for music.