Turkic Languages of Central Eurasian Studies

KAZAK 101/511 (5crd) Elementary Kazak
Emphasis on the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Kazak. Focuses on exchanging real-life information in the context of the native-speaking environment and understanding Kazak language through the cultural contexts. First in a sequence of three.

KAZAK 201/521 (5crd) Intermediate Kazak
Designed to strengthen and develop further skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and to deepen an understanding of the cultural context of Kazak. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in elementary Kazak. Prerequisite: either KAZAK 103 or KAZAK 513

KAZAK 401/541 (5crd) Kazak through Culture I
Designed to increase your functional proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the Kazak language through reading and discussion of contemporary sociocultural and sociopolitical topics in a culturally authentic context. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in intermediate Kazak.

KYRGYZ 101/511 (5crd) Elementary Kyrgyz
Emphasis on the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Kyrgyz. Focuses on exchanging real-life information in the context of the native-speaking environment and understanding Kyrgyz language through the cultural contexts. First in a sequence of three.

KYRGYZ 201/521 (5crd) Intermediate Kyrgyz
Designed to strengthen and develop further skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and to deepen an understanding of the cultural context of Kyrgyz. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in elementary Kyrgyz. Prerequisite: either KYRGYZ 103 or KYRGYZ 513

KYRGYZ 401/541 (5crd) Kyrgyz through Culture I
Designed to increase your functional proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the Kyrgyz language through reading and discussion of contemporary sociocultural and sociopolitical topics in a culturally authentic context. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in intermediate Kyrgyz.

UYGUR 101/511 (5crd) Elementary Uygur
Emphasis on the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Uygur. Focuses on exchanging real-life information in the context of the native-speaking environment and understanding Uygur language through the cultural contexts. First in a sequence of three.

UYGUR 201/521 (5crd) Intermediate Uygur
Designed to strengthen and develop further skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and to deepen an understanding of the cultural context of Uygur. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in elementary Uygur. Prerequisite: either UYGUR 103 or UYGUR 513

UYGUR 401/541 (5crd) Uygur through Culture I
Designed to increase your functional proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the Uygur language through reading and discussion of contemporary sociocultural and sociopolitical topics in a culturally authentic context. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in intermediate Uygur.

UZBEK 101/511 (5crd) Elementary Uzbek
Emphasis on the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Uzbek. Focuses on exchanging real-life information in the context of the native-speaking environment and understanding Uzbek language through the cultural contexts. First in a sequence of three.

UZBEK 201/521 (5crd) Intermediate Uzbek
Designed to strengthen and develop further skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing and to deepen an understanding of the cultural context of Uzbek. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in elementary Uzbek. Prerequisite: either UZBEK 103 or UZBEK 513

UZBEK 401/541 (5crd) Uzbek through Culture I
Designed to increase your functional proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and comprehending the Uzbek language through reading and discussion of contemporary sociocultural and sociopolitical topics in a culturally authentic context. Emphasis on the expansion and refinement of linguistic and communicative skills learned in intermediate Uzbek.

UYGUR 596 Special Studies in Uygur (3-5, max. 15)
Topics vary.

UYGUR 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Content to be determined in consultation with the instructor.

CHGTAI 401 Chagatay I (5) VLPA
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatay Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatay primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: either TKIC 405, TKIC 423, TKIC 429, KAZAKH 205, UYGUR 203, or UZBEK 203.

CHGTAI 402 Chagatay II (5) VLPA
Expansion of reading skills learned in intermediate Turkic languages and introduction of the basic Chagatay Arabic orthographic conventions and linguistic characteristics of textual sources. Develops skills necessary for fluent manuscript reading and comprehending Chagatay primary texts written in Islamic Central Asia from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: CHGTAI 401.

See the course catalog for additional Chagatay offerings

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