Research at Smart Medical Devices Lab
My research interests focus on the design and development of mechatronics systems and their application in medical devices. Within this area, I am specifically interested in 1) Multi-modal medical diagnostic devices, 2) Minimally Invasive Surgical Robotics and Smart User interfaces, and 3) Assistive Technologies. Above three components could be tied together synergistically. See example ongoing/future projects below.
Student Outcomes
Based upon the fundamentals of analog and digital electro-mechanical components, students will build a simple but interesting mechatronics system acquiring the basics of programming language for embedded systems. Students will be able to learn how to professionally present their work and write a report.
Student Qualifications
Open to freshman through senior; must be an Innovative thinker and designer.
Student Responsibilities
Study literature reviews, understand the concept of mechatronics and learn the basics of various sensors and actuators, design/fabrication of a novel medical system using different actuators, control interfaces, and 3D printing from scratch, and submit summary reports at the end of each term. The initial time frame for each project is one year. However, upon successful completion of the proposed milestones, it will be further extended to the following year(s) with updated topics.
Time Commitment
Willing to spend 10 hours/week for 3 consecutive quarters. Students will attend weekly research group meetings and present weekly progress.