Course Name: Acting Up: Teaching Theater for Change
SLN: 21588
Meeting Time: T/Th 2:30 - 4:50
Term: Spring 2022
DRAMA 490F/599C
In this multidisciplinary course, students practice using the language and methods of
theater to challenge institutional oppression and advance community dialogue about power
and privilege. This practice generates opportunities for collective problem-solving. The
course culminates in a student-generated interactive theater performance and dialogue.
How do you make positive change in classroom and institutional
climates so that all of our students thrive?
That’s an increasingly urgent question in higher education and beyond. One evidencebased
answer: by building practical skills in Theatre of the Oppressed, social change theater,
and other arts-based pedagogies. These skills promote inclusive educational environments,
whether in a classroom, online, or in community contexts.