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CMS 573 A: Aesthetics

Course Name: “A Discourse of the Body”: Aesthetics and Media Technology

SLN: 12678
Meeting Time: Th 3:30-6:50pm
Term: Spring 2021


This course considers aesthetics as sensory experience. Taking our lead from the Ancient Greek αἴσθησις (sense perception, sensation, perception), we will consider how media technology – digital images, film, music, television, video, film – effect sensory perception and are affected by sensory perception.  The emphasis will be on key terms in contemporary scholarship of media aesthetics – affect, embodiment, attention – as well as concepts once considered peripheral to the study of aesthetics – boredom, atmosphere, cuteness.

This seminar mixes canonical and foundational figures such as Walter Benjamin and Marshall McLuhan with emerging scholarship from Byung-Chul Han and Sianne Ngai.