Course Name: Studies In Print Culture And Publication
SLN: 14395
Meeting Time: MW 1130-120
Term: Winter 2017
One of the four required core courses in the Graduate Textual Studies Program, this seminar offers an introduction to bibliographical resources for the study of printing as an art and as a means of textual transmission; a practical view of hand and machine press printing; introductory surveys of analytic and descriptive bibliography, of the history of the book and book production, as well as practical experience in editing printed texts. Many of the sessions are are taught by invited UW experts: Sandra Kroupa, Books Arts and Rare Book Curator, Special Collections, UW (Labs on Paper, Ink, Binding, Printing, Descriptive Bibliography, and Contemporary Book Arts); Faye Cristenberry, Reference and English Studies Librarian, UW (Lab on Bibliographical Resources); Jeff Knight, English, UW, and Geoff Turnovsky, French, UW (History of the Book); Tom Lockwood, Professor Emertius, UW (Editing Henry Fielding); Thomas Deardorff (Copyright), and possibly others.
Catalog Description:
An examination of the theoretical and methodological issues attending the study of printed texts; training in bibliography and the history of the book from Gutenberg’s hand press to the machine and periodical presses of the nineteen and twentieth centuries; and contemporary book art. Offered: jointly with C LIT 553.