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HINDI/URDU 424/524

Course Name: Survey of Modern Hindi/Urdu Literature: Drama
Guest Lecturer: Heidi Pauwels

SLN: 15166
Meeting Time: TTh 10:30-12:20
Term: Winter 2016

This course studies the modern Hindi-Urdu theatrical tradition that has developed in North India since the mid-nineteenth century. We trace its evolution from a strong reformist phase during the colonial period to fully-fledged “National Theatres,” expressing the aspirations of the independent nation-states of India and Pakistan, both trying to come to terms with their shared past. We also study how it continues to exert significant influence on the popular movies best known as Bollywood, which form such an important part of contemporary popular culture of South Asia. We will read drama scripts in the original Hindi/Urdu, watch theatrical performances, combined with study of the theoretical underpinnings as developed in secondary literature. Evaluation: class work, mid-term creative project, and final project with paper. Prerequisite: advanced Hindi/Urdu or instructor permission