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Scand 590 – Special Topics in Scandinavian Literature

Course Name: Cinema, Migration and the Making of the Other in Modern Sweden
Guest Lecturer: Ann-Kristin Wallengren and Hans Wallengren

SLN: 22603
Meeting Time: M, W, 3:30-5:20pm
Term: Autumn 2014

Where did the “Swedish Chef” come from? And what about Marcus Samuelsson, NYC’s hottest Swedish chef today? How has Sweden been an Other in American culture, and how have Others figured in Swedish culture? Swedish film and its history offer rich answers to these questions and many others.
Cinema, Migration and the Making of the Other in Modern Sweden, will be team-taught by visiting professors Ann-Kristin Wallengren and Hans Wallengren (both from Lund University, Sweden), who are at the UW in Autumn Quarter as the American Scandinavian Foundation’s Visiting Lecturers for 2014-2015. This course surveys the theme of Swedish Others from 1910s Hollywood (for example, Greta Garbo) to contemporary Swedish cinema (for example, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), as well as the modern multicultural Sweden and films in relation to xenophobia and right-wing extremist parties. For more information, e-mail and/or