Study Information


What is Project EPIC?

Project EPIC is a research study conducted through the Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. This study aims to explore health-related behaviors, including alcohol use and sexual behaviors. We are interested in recruiting young people between the ages of 18 and 20 with the long-term goal of studying health behaviors during the transition to adulthood. This is a national study conducted online.

Who can participate?

All men and women between the ages of 18 and 20 who currently reside in the United States are invited to participate.

Do I get paid?

Invited participants who complete the survey will be paid with their choice of a $25 gift certificate, which will be emailed with two weeks of completion. Participants who complete each of the follow-up surveys (at 3-,6-,9-, and 12 month time points) will receive gift certificate payments of their choice of a select number of merchants, which will increased by $5 at each time point ($30, $35, $40 and $45). Each time a participant completes a survey within 2 weeks of being invited, they will also be entered into a drawing for an Apple iPad (valued up to $550) and $100 gift card of their choice of a select number of merchants.

What would I do as a participant?

The first step involves completing a confidential 5-minute online survey to see if the study is right for you. This survey includes questions about your personal characteristics (age, gender, etc.), education (student status, highest degree, etc.), and contact information (phone number, email address, etc.).

The second step involves a researcher from our team contacting you over the phone to determine if this study is a good fit for you and to give you more information about our study. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

If the study is right for you and you would like to participate, the next step is to take a confidential 30-45 minute online survey. This survey includes questions about your basic demographics and recent life experiences, including health behaviors (e.g., alcohol and sexual behaviors).

Upon completing this survey, you will be invited to view personalized feedback and complete four follow-up surveys at 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12 month time points. Each survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.